Everyone can do it !
I : Je
you : Tu
HE : Il
SHE : elle
I T : Il,elle,c'
WE : Nous
YOU : Vous
THEY: Ils,Elles
Object pronouns
ME: moi,me,m'
YOU : toi,te,t'
HIM : lui, le, l'
HER : elle,la, l'
IT : elle, lui, le la, l'
US : nous
YOU : vous
THEM : eux ,les,
Object pronouns :
Les pronoms de compémenten anglais se place toujours derrière le verbe :
- HE COMES WITH ME Il vient avec moi
- SHE CALLED HER Elle l'a appelée
- HE LOOKS AT THEM Il les regarde
- I WILL TALK TO THEM je leur parlerai
Conversation 2
Man: Who is your best friend?
Woman: My best friend is Sue.
Man: Do you talk to her every day?
Woman: Yes, I see her at school. I always meet her for lunch.
Man: Oh, why do you like her?
Woman: She is nice and funny! She makes me laugh.
Conversation 3
Man: Who is your teacher?
Woman: My teacher is Mr. Wilson. I like him a lot.
Man: Why do you like him?
Woman: Well, he is nice and he always helps me with my homework.
Man: He sounds nice.
Woman: He is. We all love him.
Conversation 4
Man: Do you have my keys?
Woman: No. I put them on the table.
Man: Uh... great. I see them. What about my wallet?
Woman: I think you set it on the counter.
Man: Really, I don't see it.
Woman: Well, I'll help you. One of us will find it.